Pre & Post Natal
Pilates Specialist
(The Center Method
for Diastasis Recti
The Center for Women’s Fitness leads the way in Women’s Health Programs by offering
The Women’s Health and Exercise Specialist Certification™and The Women’s Health Pilates Specialist Certification™ with the addition of experts
in the field of breast cancer recovery, osteoporosis, scoliosis, MS and body brain connection.
Information on the Center For Women's Fitness
Robin teaches all of her classes from the whole body perspective. As a Pilates Specialist, she uses movement to empower and educate her clients about their unique bodies through every stage of life. This course is especially targeted for pre & post natal excercise and diastasis recti recovery.
what to expect
Correct exercises during Pregnancy should include:
1. Breathing and releasing techniques
2. Ease of movement during exercise sessions
3. Preparation for labor positions
4. Early postpartum recovery exercises
5. Total body integration
6. Attention to the "Pregnancy Posture"
7. Acknowledgement of emotional, mental, as well as physical change
8. Education on the changes taking place throughout pregnancy
Correct Exercises during Postpartum should include:
1. Increasing the strength of the postpartum body gradually
2. Releasing techniques for myofascial restrictions
3. Deep core work
4. Realignment of the pelvis to the spine
5. Breathing and releasing techniques
6. Understanding of the demands of the new motherhood
skills learned
This class will focus on building not only a strong foundation of your deepest core muscles, but also learning ideal movement patterns that work with your unique body, not against it. Expect plenty of hands on corrections to guide you along release work and a slow flowing routine.